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Maldives 2017

Pictures by Jo Spinney

April 27th 2017

South Atoll, Cacao Corner & Cocca Thilla & Vaavu Atoll, Alimathaa

Another 6am wake up call!

I was very sleepy when I woke up but managed a piece of toast and a little bowl of cereal. I was feeling very yukky and sick today so slept most of the day between dives. I had a super migraine but still wanted to do the dives. The night dive was the best of course & I got some great shots tonight so very pleased with myself.

Tonight after dinner some people went in to snorkel and wait for the sharks to come to the back of the boat.

I think there are going to be some issues tomorrow as we are doing another channel dive, probably with strong currents, but I’m hoping for the current to be no stronger than today.

We sat around with a few drinks (I had hot chocolate) and chatted and laughed then went off to bed.

I still had to take my photos off the camera and make sure it was ready for tomorrow so I ended up turning the light off at midnight.

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